Teaching Permaculture to Youth: For Educators, Facilitators, Organizers and Families

Join us for a conversation about teaching permaculture design, food production, and ecological literacy to children and young adults! Learn how two northeast educators are providing youth with tools to create positive change in their communities, develop a sense of empowerment, and connect deeper with food and nature. Presenters: Monica Ibacache and Stephanie Aubert.

Permaculture for Suburban Landscapes

A conversation with Dave Scandurra and Patty Love about suburban permaculture models, techniques, and opportunities! Participants will guide the conversation through this Q&A style webinar while two northeast permaculture practitioners offer their perspective and expertise.

Roundtable Discussion on Decolonizing Permaculture

Join us in a roundtable discussion as PAN journeys towards decolonizing permaculture. We wish to create a frank conversation modelling vulnerability and transparency, moving past decolonization and moving towards equity. This event will include a panel with PAN board members and breakout groups with attendees. Whether you have just started to study about decolonization or […]

“From Access to Sovereignty: Conversations about Equitable Land Use” with Rev Dele

Online Gather

The practice of Permaculture requires permanent access to land. Our speaker, Rev Dele of Soil & Souls will share the story of the Indigenous Mothers’ Community Land Trust and how this journey reflects the broader issue of land sovereignty. She’ll explore why this work is necessary and the various roles we may play. Most people […]

“Why to be Unlawnful” Webinar

Lawns are a historical footprint of colonization that continue to reinforce settler colonial ideas of what home/land should look like and what/who should belong. Lawns limit the social and ecological benefits that land can offer us and that we can offer the land. Our imaginations and concepts of beauty have been distorted in order to […]

“Unlawning Your Life: A How To Lesson”

Join us to learn how to remove grass and install regenerative landscapes that support biodiversity and ecosystem health! In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to foster ecosystem health using native and perennial species while growing food, medicine, and fiber. We’ll cover how to salvage materials for use in landscapes and provide tips for organizing community […]

Climate-Smart Fuel and Soil with Biogas

Biogas is a simple, safe fuel that can be made from kitchen scraps, brewer’s grain, manure and more.  Globally, there are over 40 million digesters, but here in the US there are just a few thousand, mainly at the large scale.   As fuel prices rise along with the effects of climate change, more and more […]

Queer Permie Social

Queerness in permaculture: Are you queer? Do you love permaculture? Come and meet like-minded queer permaculturists and join PAN members, Jack, Joe and Linzi as they delve into the intersectionality between queerness and permaculture. We’ll be sharing our lived experiences, reflecting on queer theory and learning from each other. Warm up with your favorite drink, […]

Building Soil, Building Community

You don’t have to be a Soil Scientist to achieve soil health and fertility. Learn how to use basic soil health techniques to grow healthier and stronger plants. Sister Anna works for Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) with community gardens and primarily with housing developments. When she first moved to Springfield, Massachusetts, the community had […]

Online Gathering

Online Gather

Permaculture Collaboration Network: Online Gathering Are you longing for more permaculture community? Join this participatory online event to: Create connections between permaculture-aligned groups Start a local group/meetup Crowdsource questions/resources Explore the most pressing needs/goals/challenges to advancing permaculture in the Northeast region Consider being part of a network to uplift permaculture-aligned groups Check out the Unlawnful […]


Online Gather

“Powerful tools to cope with the climate” with Eric Toensmeier & Bonita Eloise Ford Saturday, November 16, 1pm to 5pm and Sunday, November 17, 1pm to 5pm (Eastern time) Join this ONLINE WORKSHOP to learn: How climate change will likely affect your local area How to use nature-based strategies to lessen local impacts Where to […]


Online Gather

“Powerful tools to cope with the climate” with Eric Toensmeier & Bonita Eloise Ford Saturday, November 16, 1pm to 5pm and Sunday, November 17, 1pm to 5pm (Eastern time) Join this ONLINE WORKSHOP to learn: How climate change will likely affect your local area How to use nature-based strategies to lessen local impacts Where to […]