Biogas is a simple, safe fuel that can be made from kitchen scraps, brewer’s grain, manure and more. Globally, there are over 40 million digesters, but here in the US there are just a few thousand, mainly at the large scale. As fuel prices rise along with the effects of climate change, more and more Americans are turning to small-scale biogas to meet their needs for fuel, waste processing, and soil health at their farms, homesteads and community gardens.
Biogas is a local, renewable, inexpensive, carbon-neutral fuel that mitigates social injustices and environmental imbalances caused by fossil fuel dependence, while increasing our capacity to be part of a full circle food-waste-fuel-food system. Models show that widespread adoption of biogas will cut carbon emissions in the Northeast by at least 10%, putting biogas on Project Drawdown’s Top Ten list. Biogas can run at many different scales; our focus is on small-scale systems of 1-20 cubic meters.
Join Elyssa Serrilli (MA) of Northeast Biogas Initiative and Kathy Puffer (NY) of Biogas Education Hub for an introduction to biogas. You’ll learn