
Increase the resilience of the Northeast region by strengthening the regional permaculture network and increasing access to relevant education and resources.


  1. Permaculture ethics of earth care, people care and fair share

  2. Transparency

  3. Humility

  4. Being of service to the greater regional permaculture community

  5. Reflecting the needs/issues/opportunities of the network

  6. Supporting decentralization, local autonomy and self organizing across the network

  7. Encouraging symbiosis, cooperation and collaboration

  8. Valuing ecological patterns of organization

  9. Commitment to social justice and liberation


PAN has supported the regional permaculture network through online and in-person offerings:

  • Hosting 3 to 4 online events (including webinars, discussion groups, and meet and greets) per year since 2018
  • Launching the Unlawnful Campaign and developed the Unlawnful Toolkit
  • Helping with the administration of regional permaculture listservs
  • Creating a member map and directory
  • Supporting a Northeast Permaculture Convergence every summer for about 10 years
  • Organizing several sub-regional gatherings for permaculture teachers, professional designers and organizers
  • Co-convening the first-ever Women in Permaculture Gathering in our region in 2013
  • Convening the Northeastern regional caucus at the first-ever North American Permaculture Convergence in August 2014


Our Work

PAN exists to grow and strengthen the network and support the effectiveness of all the local permaculture nodes (individuals, organizations, businesses, farms, etc.) across our region.  We are focused on the 4C’s of Connectivity, Communications, Convening and Capacity-Building toward that purpose.

Our History

PAN-supported summer convergences now draw hundreds of people annually.

The Northeast Permaculture Network is a decentralized body of people — farmers, teachers, designers, organizers, authors, researchers, extension agents and other permaculture enthusiasts — who in a diversity of ways are working toward advancing permaculture design principles and ethics as a new cultural paradigm. We apply and integrate permaculture-aligned skills and principles at home, in our communities, towns and cities; in our businesses, livelihoods and relationships.